Regulations on the Zhengyi Daoist Sect’s Granting of Talismans

Regulations on the Zhengyi Daoist Sect’s Granting of Talismans

(Approved by the Sixth Second Council Meeting of the China Daoist Association on December 28, 2001

Revised at the Seventh National Representatives Meeting of the China Daoist Association on June 24, 2005

Revised at the Ninth National Representatives Meeting of the China Daoist Association on June 29, 2015

Revised at the Tenth National Representatives Meeting of the China Daoist Association on November 27, 2020)

Article 1: To strengthen the construction of Daoism itself, inherit the Zhengyi Sect’s talisman-granting tradition, standardize talisman-granting activities, and improve the religious system and rituals, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the “Regulations on Religious Affairs”, “Management Methods for Religious Groups”, and the “Constitution of the China Daoist Association”.

Article 2: The Zhengyi Sect Daoist talisman-granting activities are hosted by the China Daoist Association, co-organized by the Daoist Associations of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the temples are located, and undertaken by the talisman-granting temples. No other units or individuals are allowed to conduct talisman-granting activities.

Article 3: The China Daoist Association must report and gain approval from the State Administration for Religious Affairs to organize Zhengyi Sect Daoist talisman-granting activities.

Article 4: Procedures for temples to apply for hosting talisman-granting activities:

(1) The temple planning to host talisman-granting activities must submit a written application to the Daoist Association of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government after obtaining approval from the local people’s government’s religious affairs department;

(2) After obtaining the opinion of the local people’s government’s religious affairs department, the Daoist Association of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government will report to the China Daoist Association for a decision.

Article 5: Conditions that temples hosting talisman-granting activities must meet:

(1) Legally registered, with a history of granting talismans;

(2) Well-organized management and strict religious discipline;

(3) The capability to conduct talisman-granting ceremonies and rituals;

(4) Necessary talismans, supporting facilities, and related funds for the activity.

Article 6: The masters of the talisman altar, including the three masters of transmission, nomination, and supervision, and the six masters of protecting the Dao, scripture, dharma, talismans, precepts, and the altar, are appointed by the China Daoist Association.

Article 7: Conditions required for the three masters of the talisman altar and the six masters of protecting the altar:

(1) Patriotic and devoted to Daoism, law-abiding;

(2) Strict in observing precepts, virtuous and respected;

(3) Proficient in scriptures, a role model for others;

(4) Dignified appearance, commanding respect;

(5) The three masters of the talisman altar should have over 20 years of transmission experience, and the six masters of protecting the altar should have over 10 years of transmission experience, familiar with the rituals of granting talismans, possessing the corresponding rank of talismans: the initial talisman master should have been promoted, the promoted talisman master should have been additionally granted, the additionally granted talisman master should have been further promoted, and the further promoted talisman master should have been advanced.

Article 8: The ranks of talismans are divided into five levels: initial granting of the Supreme Three and Five Capitals Talismans, promotion to the Supreme Zhengyi Alliance and Prestige Talismans, additional granting of the High Purity Three Caves and Five Thunders Talismans, further promotion to the High Purity Great Cave Talismans, and advancement to the High Purity Three Caves Talismans. The legal position and rank of the talisman recipients depend on the Jade Decree of the Heavenly Altar.

Article 9: Conditions for applying to receive talismans:

(1) Patriotic and devoted to Daoism, law-abiding, with pure faith, upright conduct, healthy in body and mind, dignified appearance, adhering to the Zhengyi rules and precepts;

(2) Taking refuge in the “Three Treasures” of Dao, scripture, and master, having a traditional lineage, over 2 years of transmission;

(3) Holding a Daoist clergy certificate;

(4) Familiar with Daoist doctrines, basic scriptures, and ritual propriety.

Article 10: Procedure for applying to receive talismans:

(1) The applicant fills out an application form provided by the China Daoist Association, approved by the Daoist Association, Daoist college, or temple where the applicant resides, and reported up through the county or municipal Dao ist Association to the Daoist Association of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government.

The place of current residence refers to the location of the temple where one currently resides, the Daoist Association or Daoist college where one is currently employed.

For itinerant Zhengyi Daoists applying from locations without established provincial, autonomous region, or municipal Daoist Associations, the application should be submitted by the local Daoist Association or temple to the China Daoist Association.

(2) The Daoist Association of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, upon agreeing with the materials submitted according to the conditions stated in Article 9, recommends candidates based on allocated quotas and reports to the China Daoist Association.

Applications made directly to the China Daoist Association are reviewed by the China Daoist Association.

Applications to receive talismans across provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government are not allowed.

(3) After review and public announcement by the China Daoist Association, applicants are permitted to participate in the on-site examination.

(4) Only those who pass the on-site examination are allowed to enter the altar to receive talismans, collectively referred to as talisman recipients.

Article 11: Initial granting can be applied for after 3 years; promotion can be applied for after 8 years of the initial granting; additional granting can be applied for after 12 years of promotion.

Article 12: Talisman recipients advancing in talisman ranks should study the scriptures corresponding to their rank, pass the on-site examination, and be reviewed by the talisman altar master, qualifying for advancement based on virtue and conduct.

Article 13: Zhengyi sect Daoists who have gone through the talisman granting process will receive talismans and talisman certificates from the talisman altar. The talismans must be approved by the China Daoist Association before being printed by the hosting temple; talisman certificates are produced by the China Daoist Association and stamped with the special seal of the China Daoist Association for granting talismans, serving as proof of talisman granting for Zhengyi sect Daoists.

Article 14: The number of recipients for the talisman granting is determined by the China Daoist Association based on the actual situation of the hosting temple, and the talisman altar may not arbitrarily increase the number. The duration of the initial talisman granting activity should be no less than 8 days, and for promotions and higher ranks of talisman granting, the activity should last no less than 5 days.

Article 15: The hosting temple may charge talisman recipients appropriate fees, with fee standards approved by the China Daoist Association.

Article 16: Zhengyi sect Daoists who give up Daoist faith or seriously violate discipline and precepts will have their cases verified by the Daoist Association of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where they reside. For locations without established Daoist Associations, verification is done by the local Daoist Association or temple, reported for cancellation by the original talisman-granting temple, and approved by the China Daoist Association, rendering their talisman certificates invalid and announced publicly.

Article 17: Violations of these regulations, such as unauthorized conducting of Zhengyi sect Daoist talisman granting activities without approval, will result in the China Daoist Association declaring such talisman granting activities and the issued talisman certificates invalid and requesting relevant departments to hold the organizers accountable.

Article 18: The China Daoist Association is responsible for interpreting these regulations.

Article 19: These regulations come into effect on the date of publication.

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